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Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 226

Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ)

 Record Group
Identifier: 004-006-002-010

Cuneiform clay tablet collection of Lena C. Van Bibber

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSS-0016

Lena C. Van Bibber was a graduate of State Teachers College who later taught history at Towson University from 1916 until her retirement in 1940. The collection consists of three cuneiform clay tablets from the ancient sites of Drehem and Umma in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq), dating to about 2400-2100 BCE, purchased by Bibber from Edgar J. Banks, an antiquities dealer.

Dates: circa 2400-2100 BCE; 1939

Department of Art + Design, Art History, Art Education records

 Record Group
Identifier: 002-006-003-001
Scope and Contents

The collection is composed of correspondence, minutes, reports, programs, announcements, and other material related to the governance and events created by the College of Fine Arts and Communication.

Dates: 1963-1986

Athletics Department records

 Record Group — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA-010
Abstract The Towson University Athletics Department is dedicated to enriching the university while leading and inspiring its student-athletes towards success on the field and the classroom. The department oversees revenue producing programs, maintaining gender and diversity equity, and spending on coaching salaries, supporting staff, facilities and recruiting. It is governed by an Executive Staff which oversees the department’s sport management, academics, compliance, student services, and sports...
Dates: 1946 - 2017; Majority of material found within 1970 - 2005

Department of Biological Sciences records

 Record Group
Identifier: 002-006-006-001

Department of Computer and Information Sciences

 Record Group
Identifier: 002-006-006-003

Department of Dance records

 Record Group
Identifier: 002-006-003-002

Department of History records

 Record Group
Identifier: 002-006-005-005

Department of Housing and Residence Life

 Record Group — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UA004-003
Scope and Contents

These records include handbooks for students living on campus; guides for those looking for housing off-campus; administrative records such as reports, budget requests, and correspondence; and files from the University Residence Government, a student organization representing all on-campus residents.

Dates: Existence: 1921 - 2016

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Student organizations 74
Correspondence 21
Towson State College 20
Towson (Md.) -- Towson State University 18
College presidents. 16
∨ more
Education -- Maryland 16
Photographs 16
University presidents 16
Towson University 15
1960s 12
1970s 12
State Teachers College at Towson 12
Student life and customs 12
1980s 11
Maryland State Normal School (Towson, Md.) 11
World War II, 1939-1945 9
1990s 8
Towson State College -- students 8
Baltimore (Md.) 7
Maryland State Normal School (Baltimore, Md.) 7
Principals, College 7
Principals, University 7
Reports and documents 7
Towson State University -- students 7
2000s (Decade) 6
Campus life 6
College administrators. 6
Maryland State Normal School -- Students 6
Military 6
Newspapers 6
State Teachers College at Towson -- Students 6
United States. Army. 6
1940s 5
1950s 5
Alumni and alumnae 5
Athletics 5
Curriculum development 5
Judaism 5
Towson University -- students 5
1920s 4
1930s 4
Audiovisual materials 4
College sports 4
Maryland. 4
Maryland. State Board of Education 4
Newsletters 4
Personal letters 4
Student government. 4
Towson (Md.) 4
Towson State College -- faculty 4
Towson State University -- faculty 4
Towson University -- History 4
Towson University. Center for the Arts 4
Towson University. College of Fine Arts and Communication 4
Towson University. Music Department 4
Art history 3
Baltimore Hebrew University 3
Black students 3
Ephemera 3
Fraternities 3
Jazz 3
Jewish learning and scholarship 3
Judaica 3
Judaism -- Prayers and devotions 3
Judaism and art 3
National socialism 3
Nazi Germany 3
Photography 3
Postcards 3
Sororities, Greek letter 3
State universities and colleges -- Faculty 3
Student newspapers and periodicals 3
Student publications. 3
Student records. 3
Teacher educators 3
Theatre 3
Towson University. Baltimore Hebrew Institute 3
Towson University. College of Liberal Arts 3
Towson University. Department of History 3
1910s 2
Art Education 2
Awards 2
Bronze sculpture -- 20th century 2
Civil rights. 2
Class reunions 2
College Students 2
College sports for women 2
College student orientation 2
Composition (Music) 2
Continuing education 2
Course catalogs 2
Curriculum catalogs 2
Dance 2
Education 2
Education, Elementary. 2
Education, Secondary. 2
Europe -- Germany -- History 2
Financial records. 2
Fine arts. 2
Graduate School studies 2
+ ∧ less
English 223
German 3
Hebrew 3
Sumerian 1
Maryland State Normal School (Towson, MD) 13
Towson University 7
Towson State College 6
Towson State University 6
Hawkins, Earle Taylor, 1903 - 1972 5
∨ more
Alumni Association of Towson University, Inc. 3
Caret, Robert L., 1947 - 3
College of Education. Towson University 3
Towson State University. Administrators 3
Towson University. Administrators 3
Wiedefeld, Mary Theresa, Dr., 1886-1983 3
Black Student Union. Towson University 2
Cox, Joseph W. (Joseph William), 1937- 2
Department of History. Towson University 2
Department of Nursing. Towson University 2
Division of University Marketing & Communications. Towson University 2
Fisher, James Lee, 1931 - 2
Ginsberg, Mark R. 2
Haslup, Charles A. 2
Loeschke, Maravene Sheppard, 1947 - 2015 2
Maryland State Normal School . Faculty 2
Newell, McFadden Alexander, 1824 - 1894 2
Office of Student Activities. Towson University 2
Perkins, Mark L., 1949 - 2
Prettyman, Elijah Barrett, 1830 - 1907 2
Richmond, Sarah Elizabeth, 1843 - 1921 2
Schatzel, Kim E. 2
Smith, Hoke L., 1931 - 2004 2
State Teachers College at Towson. Administrators 2
Tall, Lida Lee, 1873-1942 2
Ward, George Washington, 1867 - 1932 2
West, Henry Skinner, 1870 - 1961 2
Academic Council. Towson State College 1
Academic Services and Resources. Towson University 1
Actors Anonymous 1
Admissions and Aid. Towson University 1
Albert S. Cook Library. Towson University 1
Alpha Kappa Delta Sorority. Maryland State Normal School 1
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.. Mu Rho Chapter. Towson University 1
Alpha Phi Omega. Iota Gamma chapter. Towson University 1
Alpha Psi Omega. Iota Sigma. Towson State College 1
Art Club 1
Asian Arts and Culture Center. Towson University 1
Auburn Society 1
Auxiliary Services. Towson University 1
Aviation Club. State Teachers College at Towson 1
Baltimore Hebrew University. Administrators 1
Baltimore Hebrew University. Faculty 1
Baltimore Teachers Training School 1
Banks, Edgar James, 1866 - 1945 1
Baptist Student Union 1
Beckett, Margaret 1
Beta Alpha Psi. Iota Zeta Chapter 1
Beta Gamma Sigma. Towson University chapter 1
Bishop, John Joseph "Jack", Jr., 1929-2011 1
Bloomberg, Leon, 1920-2014 1
Brennan, James F 1
Brookhart, Doris 1
Brown, Anthony G., Lieutenant Governor (Anthony G. Brown) 1
Browne, Kenneth A. 1
Brungardt, Gilbert Ambrose, 1930- 1
Buchman, Marion, 1914 - 2000 1
Butts, Phyllis 1
Camp Fire Girls. Maryland State Normal School 1
Canterbury Club. State Teachers College at Towson 1
Career Center. Towson University 1
Caribbean Students Association. Towson University 1
Carnegie Hall (New York, N.Y.) 1
Center for Student Diversity. Towson University 1
Chabad of Towson 1
Chappell, Annette 1
Chi Alpha Sigma. Maryland State Normal School. State Teachers College at Towson 1
Chinese American Student Union (CASU). Towson University 1
Christian Science Organization 1
Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965 1
Circle K International. Towson University 1
Coalition of College and University Associations of Maryland 1
Cohen, Jacqueline, 1944- 1
College Senate. Towson State College 1
College of Business and Economics. Towson University 1
College of Fine Arts and Communication. Faculty. Towson University 1
College of Fine Arts and Communication. Staff. Towson University 1
College of Health Professions. Towson University 1
College of Liberal Arts . Staff. Towson University 1
College of Liberal Arts. Faculty. Towson University 1
Continuing and Professional Studies. Towson University 1
Cook, A. Samuel, Jr. (Albert Samuel Cook), 1921-2012 1
Cook, Albert S. (Albert Samuel Cook), 1873-1952 1
Counseling Center. Towson University 1
Craft Club 1
Crass, Hilda 1
Creative Services. Towson University 1
Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ). Towson University 1
Culley, Myrtle 1
Delta Beta Delta Sorority. Maryland State Normal School 1
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Mu Mu Chapter. Towson University 1
Department of Art + Design, Art History, Art Education . Towson University 1
Department of Communication Arts and Sciences. Towson University 1
Department of Early Childhood Education. Towson University 1
Department of Housing and Residence Life. Towson University 1
+ ∧ less